Creative Directions

Betsy Johnson Welty Betsy Johnson Welty

Denver Recycles Brand

Over two decades ago, Betsy Johnson Design was hired by the City and County of Denver Department of Public Works to create a brand for the newly created Denver Recycles program. The City wanted a logo that was reminiscent of the generic recycling logo, but “different and uniquely their own.” BJD came up with several design options, but the design with three curved arrows moving in a spiral with three adjoining hip shapes was selected by in the Department of Public Works. BJD chose Purple and Blue for the brand colors. The city chose to order recycling bins in the purple, which are very distinctive on the city streets. The Denver Recycles brand can be seen on bins throughout Denver and is a design that has passed the test of time.

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Betsy Johnson Welty Betsy Johnson Welty

Modern Bungalow Amish Furniture Buyers Guide

Modern Bungalow Amish Furniture Buyer’s Guide

Betsy Johnson designed an eight-page catalog for Modern Bungalow that features consumer information on how to purchase quality Amish furniture, custom-made by Amish artisans. It features details on how to choosing the perfect style, wood and finish for a fine piece of custom furniture.

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